From Education to Employment

The Training Academy Group is constantly growing

Training Academy is an educational training center situated in the Castelli Romani area and accredited by the Lazio Region.

It was founded in 2017, in Albano Laziale, with one goal: helping the youth and the unemployed find a faster way into the job market, thanks to our professional training courses.

Thanks to its long-serving experience in the field of professional education, Training Academy has contributed to the growth of job services for private citizens and companies.

Our Group and Our Services

Training Academy- Europrogettazione:
Via Antolisei, 6,
Roma (RM).
P.Iva: 14738501007
CF: 96025590637
Training Academy- Europrogettazione:
Rue du congres, 37
1000 Bruxelles.
P.Iva: 14738501007
CF: 96025590637